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4 Innovative Ways To Use GroupWithUs


GroupWithUs is Agriya’s GrubWithUs clone script which lets you run a group dining type website but the software has been designed so that group dining isn’t the only thing you can start offering. GrubWithUs works by contacting restaurant owners and securing a good deal on a set menu and then opening the even to people interested in networking – you can even tailor the meals to suit different interests. The first person who signs up gets a discount and the price steadily rises as more people confirm their desire to attend.

What GrubWithUs has done for eating out and meeting people you can do for any other industry thanks to our GroupWithUs software. We take a look at some of the options available to you and hope that it sets off some sparks of inspiration with the potential that this software has.

1. Theatre Excursions

It doesn’t have to be New York’s Broadway or London’s West End, people still love to go to the theatre and take in some live action drama or show. Provincial theatres up and down the land in every country would love to have their venues packed to the rafters every night but sadly this is not always possible. However, the fact remains that there are probably lots of people that would love to go to the theatre more often but don’t have a network of friends that share the same interest that they do.

Building a website that focuses on getting great deals for shows and plays at the local theatre will connect lots of avid theatre goers who might be quite keen to take advantage of the early bird offers by being the first to buy a ticket for a particular show and they don’t have to worry about going alone because after a few outings many people will be well connected and know each other.

2. Adventure Sports

This is an area ripe for the taking. Imagine you and your friend turn up to a paintballing centre and no one else is there to play, it would be a pretty disappointing experience. If you created a website that listed local adventure sports (remember, GroupWithUs is designed to be local to everyone so they can select the city or town where they want to see available events) companies like paintballing, go-karting, quad-biking, rock climbing etc. then visitors to your website will be safe in the knowledge that if they turn up there will be plenty of people to get to know and have a much better experience.

The business wins because even though they are offering a discount you are guaranteeing a certain number of people coming through the door and your website visitors win because they get good discounts on doing things they already love. The early bird participants can even get a bigger discount so you might end up having people checking your site daily to see what bargains they can get.

3. Introductory / Tester Classes

In every town in every city around the world the local community college offers various types of evening classes for people to expand their repertoire of skills or to help them advance their career. Unfortunately some of the classes can be expensive and people have to commit to a long period of time. This barrier to entry can be removed by GroupWithUs by arranging introduction classes for various courses where the teacher can introduce what is going to be taught and how and the student can make a decision about whether it’s going to be right for them without having to shell out a lot of money.

Normally for a college to arrange this type of event would be a logistical nightmare and they certainly don’t want to be doing introductory classes for just a handful of people. This is where GroupWithUs comes in. You arrange a special price on an introductory class and then people who are interested can get a discount and find out who else will be going so they know they won’t be the only one there.

4. Day Trips For Families

This might be particularly relevant in today’s economy. Imagine the scene: it’s summer time, the kids are at home, they are bored, their friends have all left the state on vacation, they’ve got no one to play with. How about creating an group booking day trip website specifically aimed at families? Talk to attractions in the local area such as theme parks, museums, activity centres, aquariums and more and negotiate a discount if you can bring a certain number of families to their attraction.

Next, use the GroupWithUs software to create the day trip excursions and families can sign up to get a discount. You can even offer the first few families to sign up an additional discount. Since you know the exact numbers that will be attending and everyone has to pay up front you can manage the expenses such as insurance and transport.

These are just four innovative ways that we have thought of to use GroupWithUs, hopefully it has given you a few ideas and inspiration on how you can build your own group booking type website. If you’ve got any ideas let us know in the comments below, or if you’d rather discuss your top secret ideas with a sales rep get in touch with us on this page.

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